This book is a handsome hardback production, as one would expect from OUP. It's 424 pages long, including preliminaries and index, with none of the flab - regurgitated legislation - that one often finds bulking out legal texts. Its scope is not world-wide, though, which isn't clear from the title - it covers the Community trade mark system and the laws of several Member States (including the UK), the country chapters varying greatly - 15 pages on the UK, 17 on Germany, one on Portugal. The CTM regulation gets 55.
Considering its origin as Dr Tsoutsanis's thesis (defended in 2005, which perhaps partly explains why the new EU Member States are dealt with quite briefly) this is far from being a dry, unreadable exposition. The author, who is an Associate with Klos Morel Vos & Schaap in Amsterdam and a lecturer at the University of Leiden, has brought the work up-to-date although to what date is not stated. It was published on 11 November last year, and presumably it took a while to get into print after he finished writing.
On the other hand, having begun life as a thesis it naturally contains everything that the world's greatest enthusiast for the subject thought worth including. That's not intended remotely as a criticism - more like a reflection of my own experience of preparing a doctoral thesis - but it does mean that there is probably more in this work than you'd ever need in practice, more probably than an academic researcher might need either. But if we only ever bought law books that we knew would be 100 per cent, or even a lesser percentage, useful, we would buy very few: and how can we know what we are going to need before something lands on our desks? For the practitioner, I guess the point is that the country chapters about those jurisdictions about which to give advice would cause our PI insurers sleepless nights are for interest only, but the UK and CTM chapters are sufficiently valuable to make this a useful addition to any practitioner's library.
Further details are on the publisher's website here.
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