Tuesday, 29 July 2014

US: Ford and General Motors Sued Over 'CD Ripping Cars'

TorrentFreak reports that copyright owners in the USA are suing Ford and GM on the basis that they are selling cars on which they should be paying a levy - because the cars contain equipment which can 'rip' recordings from CDs and store them internally. Under the Audio Home Recording Act 1992, originally introduced to deal with the problem of cassette recorders, manufacturers and importers have to pay a levy, and the car makers aren't. But the law contains (as you'd expect) exceptions to cover personal use and recording devices that form part of a larger piece of kit, which should be helpful to the car makers.

In the UK, the government has historically sets its face firmly against imposing such a levy, so it isn't a problem that car makers here are ever likely to face. Some continental European countries have levy systems, though. How they will deal with cars remains to be seen.

1 comment:

Bob Cumbow said...

If I understand this correctly, newer cars are being offered with a CD-player that stores a copy of each music file it plays, so that once you've played it once you can access it again without using the CD--like having your own iPod or iTunes library behind your dashboard. Since the leagal purchaser of a CD is allowed to make copies, the only concern with this would be that it could be abused. But it seems to me that--under a US policy perspective--the noninfringing uses would outweigh the risk of abuse. But maybe there's more to it than that.


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