Frances Gibb reports in The Times that A Whiter Shade of Pale is now the first piece of popular music to be considered by the House of Lords (House of Lords business here) - as well as being officially the most-listened-to song of the last 75 years, according to PPL who should know. (I like the outfits.)
It's probably not my most-listened-to song, but it's not far off, and while this is a story that's only going to become interesting when their Lordships hand down a judgment (well, the arguments could be interesting, but I'm not proposing to go to hear them - although I could, I suppose) it does give me an excuse to publish photos of the protagonists that I took on one of the last occasions that they shared a stage (Cropredy, 2003).

For those of you who are interested: I can't remember the technical details, except it was on Ilford HP5 Plus, pushed rather further than was really wise. They look better at this size ...

For those of you who are interested: I can't remember the technical details, except it was on Ilford HP5 Plus, pushed rather further than was really wise. They look better at this size ...
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