Thursday 23 April 2009

How White a Shade of Pale?

Frances Gibb reports in The Times that A Whiter Shade of Pale is now the first piece of popular music to be considered by the House of Lords (House of Lords business here) - as well as being officially the most-listened-to song of the last 75 years, according to PPL who should know. (I like the outfits.)

It's probably not my most-listened-to song, but it's not far off, and while this is a story that's only going to become interesting when their Lordships hand down a judgment (well, the arguments could be interesting, but I'm not proposing to go to hear them - although I could, I suppose) it does give me an excuse to publish photos of the protagonists that I took on one of the last occasions that they shared a stage (Cropredy, 2003).

For those of you who are interested: I can't remember the technical details, except it was on Ilford HP5 Plus, pushed rather further than was really wise. They look better at this size ...

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