Friday 6 February 2009

The McGonagall of IP?

Yehuda Berlinger, whose accomplishments defy categorisation but who is inter alia a student of intellectual property law, has found a novel way to learn the ins and outs of the various statutes he has to know. He rewrites them, in verse. Not good verse, as he is the first to admit, but as an aide to memory I suppose doggerel might well be more effective. (Not to say that Mr Berlinger's is doggerel, which the dictionary tells me is a derogatory term: I would not dream of derogating this extraordinary work.) He has just posted the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988 (as amended, though I'm not absolutely certain about which amendments are included) on his blog. All 179 sections are covered. More than that, with all the extras slipped in between the original ones.

The effort deserves the widest possible readership, in my opinion!

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